Start form fresh kernel: In[21]:= Quit[] This is an indefinite Sum (see the documentation of Sum): In[1]:= Sum[x[i],i] Out[1]= Underscript[\[Sum], i]x[i] In[2]:= Sum[Indexed[x,i],i] Out[2]= Underscript[\[Sum], i]Subscript[x, i] This evaluates wrongly: In[3]:= Sum[_,i] Out[3]= i _ and seems to break Sum: In[4]:= Sum[y[i],i] Out[4]= i _ In[5]:= Sum[Indexed[y,i],i] Out[5]= i _ although all the sums that were previously evaluated are still correct: In[6]:= Sum[x[i],i] Out[6]= Underscript[\[Sum], i]x[i] In[7]:= Sum[Indexed[x,i],i] Out[7]= Underscript[\[Sum], i]Subscript[x, i] Conclusions : - Sum is broken by Sum[_,i], - the kernel has some cache. Indeed there is a cache and it can be cleared In[8]:= ClearSystemCache[] but this has no effect on Sum: In[11]:= Sum[x[i],i] Out[11]= Underscript[\[Sum], i]x[i] In[12]:= Sum[y[i],i] Out[12]= i _